Tag: Ysterplaat

Museum Stalwarts

F Sgt Elna Hadfield is a museographer and a jack of all trades, from managing the SAAF Museum “Ops” Room to running 110 Squadron. She says that nothing is impossible and is responsible for all staff matters to ordering a pot of paint of paint. She is married to Lt Col Pierre Hadfield and has…
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History Made and Heritage Lost

By Geoff Hamp-Adams. With the cessation of hostilities in May 1945, aircraft in their hundreds lined the runways of both friend and foe right across the expanse of Europe and the Far East, and the problem of de-mobilisation of personnel was compounded by the recovery and disposal of aircraft and related equipment. South Africa was…
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Avro Shackleton Ground Run

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfo8iBeAdZ0 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egtOY5IEPuM Video by kind permission of Marek Vincenc.

The Shackleton in the SAAF

And what is it then that this old “grey lady” does to all who come into contact with her? It defies logic, even the men who fly and maintain her are also tightly bound within that intrinsic aura that surrounds Pelican 22. The aircraft has a long and illustrious history. The Shackleton was born due…
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Avro Shackleton

A descendant of the Lancaster, the Shackleton is an experience to see and hear. Often described in terms far from complimentary, the Shackleton is a marvelous aircraft,  and to be involved in assisting in the protection and upkeep of this important piece of  aviation history, this “Katherine Hepburn” of the skies, is a remarkable privilege.…
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