Royal Air Force Officers’ Club (RAFOC) Lunch – 7th October

Royal Air Force Officers’ Club (RAFOC)

Lunch Friday 7 October

By Gordon Dyne

Members of RAFOC are reminded that this coming Friday 7 October sees the monthly ‘get together’ of many of the ‘crème de la crème’ members past and present from the SAAF, RAF, RRAF,SAA, SAS, French Foreign Legion and countless other military organisations.

The lunch will be held as usual at the graceful Wanderers Club in Johannesburg 12h00 for 13h00. After the usual splendid lunch accompanied by some fine wines from the Wanderers’ extensive cellars the Annual General Meeting will be held. It will be chaired by the present incumbent Bruce Harrison who will as usual bring some humour to the serious matter of electing a committee for 2011/2012.

Let us please have a record turnout for this yearly necessity.

Thank you.

For more information on RAFOC please refer to RAFOC’s web site .