Johan Conradie – Buccaneer Images


Some more feedback on the Buccaneer profile sketch project.

Johan Conradie now has the following sketches completed

  • A sketch of each of the eight Buccaneers (412 to 419) with the flight crew names at Lossiemouth on 27 October 1965
  • Buccaneer G-2-1 (411) fitted with long range fuel tanks
  • Buccaneer G-2-2 (412) equipped with French Nord AS.30 missiles.
  • Buccaneer 415 equipped with 1000 lb. bombs at Langebaanweg during a weapons camp in September 1969
  • Buccaneer 411 equipped with a Nord AS.30 missile at the first AS.30 weapons camp in Cape Town June 1969

They can be printed in A3 size and on good quality paper it looks awesome and even more awesome if properly framed.

The plan is to sell the individual prints at R150.00 each to raise funds for the Buccaneer restoration projects.

Shawn Fouché will set up a suitable order and payment arrangement which will be posted at a later stage.

Johan will update you on the progress with the other tail numbers as they become available.